Online Sewcial Events
Each event is created ‘Live’ online, bringing together a community spirit with serious learning. It is a Sewcial get together with like-minded people. Grab a glass of wine or a cup of coffee and sit back and watch the journey unfold. Some subjects are held over several weeks and inspired by an in-depth study of a Top International Designer’s Signature Style! Or as a ‘one-off’ event full of useful, awesome content.
You may never make the designs shown, but learning how and why we do certain things in the fashion industry is inspirational. Most people like to watch, write notes and take ideas for future reference. Some like to sew along. I explain my design plan and materials used in the first week to help as a guide.
All ‘Live’ events are recorded so you can watch at any time, wherever you are in the world, and you can always watch again as a reference.
Please note if you would like more guidance with any of these subjects Terry offers one-to-one training sessions.
“The techniques taught on these workshops have been developed over my 45 years in the sewing and fashion industry…”